The Governors are all people who are interested in the development of the school. They are willing to work at supporting the school and able to strengthen links between the school and its community.
What is Governance?
The Governors are all unpaid volunteers and are responsible for determining the policy of the school on a wide range of issues that affect the education and wellbeing of the children. This includes what is taught, the appointment of staff, the finances of the school and the development of the site. All aspects of school management and implementation of policy are the responsibility of the Headteacher, who is also an ex-officio governor.
The Governing Body is made up of a range of elected and appointed people from a wide variety of backgrounds, including the teaching, commercial, professional sectors, parents and staff. This means that governors draw upon a diverse spread of talent, expertise and experience to ensure the interests of the school are actively and creatively developed. The full governing body meets every half term. The sub-committees meet at least once each term to discuss and consider specific issues for presentation to the full governing body.
Governor Visits:
Governors organise a rota for visits to the school, linked to the SDP and current school priorities. Details can be found in school.
* The Governing Body is responsible for the management and direction of the curriculum and the implementation of the school budget.
* The Headteacher is accountable to the Governors for the internal organisation and daily running of the school
Governors 2023/24:
- Clerk: Ms Ruth Houghton
- Chair of Governors: Mrs Janet Kelly
- Vice-chair of Governors: Mr Graham French
- Ex-Officio (Head): Mrs S Bray and Mrs T Derham
Please see the document below for names and responsibilities of all governors