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At Weston Rhyn, we aim to provide children with an integrated programme of learning letters and sounds through speaking and listening, reading and writing.  Our teaching of Phonics is based upon curriculum guidance in Read, Write Inc.  Phonics lessons are fast-paced and engaging to ensure that all children are able to learn at their best.

Phonics is taught daily to whole class groups in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2.

Picture   Picture

Daily small group phonics lessons are taught in Years 3 and 4 for those children working within the phonics sets.

Fresh Start Learning Support is provided throughout the week for those children in Years 5 and 6 who require phonics support.  


Reading at Home

Children will all have a home reading record book which should be brought in daily.  When ready, children will bring home reading flashcards and/or books linked to their current phonics knowledge and learning.  Books will be changed once a week, unless special circumstances dictate otherwise.

Re-reading a text is an important tool in developing confidence and fluency in early readers, and can support development of sight-reading of high frequency words.  It also gives children an opportunity to focus on their comprehension of the story as opposed to decoding and phonics.